Monday, May 5, 2008


Most of you know that I am not a coffee drinker - it has something to do with coffee breath; that is all that I think of when I try coffee. Well Justin never has been much of a coffee drinker either, so when we got married we didn't register for a coffee maker. Justin would drink coffee on rare occasions - like in a hotel. Men's Health recently said that it is healthy and good for you to drink coffee, well that is all that Justin needed and he is now a coffee drinker. Thanks to Chris and Amanda, we now have a coffee maker and I have a more of a 'morning husband' than I did before. If I had known that coffee was the big secret, believe me I would have purchased a coffee maker long ago. The coffee brews at 7am and he is up, drinking and starting his day. Before coffee he would roll out of bed close to 8, so this is a serious change. It really does make me happy to see him so excited about his coffee. It is so funny and I love it! But all of this coffee excitement in the Hicks household really got me thinking about God. You know what if I woke up early with excitement every day to meet with God, not so much for coffee but to spend quiet time with God. I read a devotion today about how God wants us to spend time with Him – that simple fact never seems to amaze me. I should be jumping up early every morning to have my time with Him, whatever it is that coffee does to you He will supply a million times over. That is what I am going to strive to do, maybe while I’m alone with God I’ll have to taste Justin’s coffee…who knows. I hope that you have an awesome Monday but that you will also find a few minutes and just spend that time in silence with God. oh and..Feliz Cinco De Mayo.

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