I am now on my fourth memory verse and it is a funny thing at how God can work when you depend on Him. I have been very hesitant about memorizing anything to long. In that hesitation I was discounting God's ability to provide and really give me what it takes to memorize and really know these verses. My third memory verse started after a wonderful lecture at CBS where the Jeremiah 15:19-20 verse came up at two different times in class. A friend in my group asked if I wanted to join her in memorizing those verses and I said yes and in the back of my head was terrified because it was so long. I just didn't know if I could do it and I really wanted to ONLY do verse 19 because I knew I could do that but all of verses 19 and 20.... But I committed and started and prayed hard that God would give me the ability to remember and learn and capture these verses to my heart of hearts. God answered in a BIG way....i had the whole thing memorized in the first week. I was amazed myself but each day I took bits and pieces of it and had it down pat. I then was able to spend the remaining week on meditating on what it means to me. Here it is, by the grace of God:
Jeremiah 15:19-20 NLT
This is how the LORD responds:
'If you return to me I will restore you so you can continue to serve me. If you speak good words rather than worthless ones, you will be my spokesman. You must influence them, do not let them influence you. They will fight against you like an attacking army, but I will make you as secure as a fortified wall of bronze. They will not conquer you, for I am with you to protect and rescue you. I the LORD have spoken.'
My favorite part of this entire verse is 'I will make you as secure as a fortified wall of bronze'. I think that it so cool that when we feel like we are being defeated that he will give us what we need to stand firm. STAND FIRM. And stand firm is just what I need to do.
1 comment:
My neighbor memorized Psalm 1 and recited it to me....that was dang long I couldn't believe she had done it, but thats what her group is studying this year and they all memorized it. I'm more of a one verse girl, my brain has melted...but you are right, God will provide, I just need His help with other things right now :)
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