Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Relax God is in Control

This was the bumper sticker that I saw on my way to work yesterday morning.  This is after I prayed to God asking Him to guide me and asking specifically for him to answer a particular prayer that I want.  But at the same time that if that answer isn't in His will that my heart would be changed so that my desires are His desires.  I even asked that He would allow someone or something to speak to me to further confirm that I am inside of His will.  HA...sort of funny how He works and speaks to us huh? I need to relax and just trust instead of trying to work things out on my own!  He speaks, I hear.

I mentioned before that I am doing Priscilla Shirer's Jonah study.  It has been A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!  It has been a study that has had great impact on my relationship with Christ and has changed my view of God's plan for my life.  I have learned that when I pray 'Your Will, not my will' that I am just saying that because I am supposed to .... and have had a change of heart in really believing and being ready for what God's will may require of me.  I have to be quiet and still in Him to hear His voice.  And when I do hear His voice...The Voice of Truth...am I being obedient?  That is where I am.  Listen.  Obey.  And the obey part is sort of hard for me.  Because I often time will think that obeying can be just agreeing with God but not necessarily acting on what I know i am supposed to be doing, or not doing.   I will know what He is saying/guiding me, but I will not do exactly what He is asking but maybe just enough to justify that I am not being disobedient.  But the truth is that I am scared, nervous, and frankly not trusting in Him.  Shame on me!  Doing nothing is being disobedient.  I

One morning last week, I woke to the song The voice of truth, by casting crowns.  It was as if this song was speaking directly to me [which obviously it was].  That I am not being faithful and that I am doubting and trying to do on my own.  I want to be faithful and take that step out of my comfort zone [which I don't go to easily or often] into the direction that God wants me to go.  By doing that and taking that step in complete faith...it will be for His glory!  That is what I want.  I want to have the confidence that what I am doing and where I am going is what He wants me to be and that it will be for His glory.  It starts with obedience and being willing to trust that He is in control!  I just need to relax [in quiet] and allow Him to speak and guide me.  It sounds so easy and I am honestly not sure why is it such a struggle.  God is so good and it is so neat to see His hand and how He works in my life, I am working to relax and put Him in the drivers seat so that I can let go and let Him!

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