Wowza what a crazy and fun and busy weekend we had. It was fully packed and fully fun! Adventures and activities oh my. Fall weather makes for amazing outdoor time.
Friday, kicked off with Collier's first Kindergarten field trip - we went to Old Baker Farm . He rode a bus for the first time ever. They learned a lot about cotton farming and raising all kinds of animals. His favorite was the hay bail maze! I was thrilled to get to join him - plus it was good for me to see his classmates and get to know them a little better.
Friday night we went to visit our sweet friends who just had a baby. My kids love Chris and Melissa and Kenley was so smitten with Baby Frank that she just wanted to keep looking at him. I felt the same...I only put him down long enough to eat! Oh how I love new born babies!
Saturday was a big day. Collier and Justin loaded up in the car with Eddie and Cooper and their cousins (all boys) and went to the Alabama game. Collier had no idea what he was in for! But to say he was thrilled is an understatement. Sad for me, because this for sure pushed him over the Alabama fan edge...I think I could have swayed him before but this pretty much locked it in. Kenley is my final hope!

This blank stare represents the fact that they could not believe all that was going on. Justin said they were mesmerized with the excitement of the band, players, loud music, cheering fans. He said it didn't take long for them to get into the game and start cheering and shaking their shakers!! They did awesome. This was Collier's first ever football game of any kind. He has never been to a pee-wee or highschool or any football game before. Justin said they loved it and were starting to tire out after halftime. They left and went to the SigmaNu house to let them throw the football and play around before heading home. Collier would have slept with that shaker if we had let him.
And this left Kenley and I to a girls only day. One of our friends from bible study invited us out to their farm to pick pumpkins. It was amazing. Beautiful land, amazing weather, sweet friends, a hay ride and pumpkin picking. Plus they had makers and stickers to decorate the pumpkins. Great fun!!
Do we have enough pumpkins yet?
We all got home about the same time on Saturday evening. Order Pizza and immediately crashed!
After Church on Sunday Collier had a baseball game. He continues to love baseball so much! He only has one more game for fall baseball and we're done until spring. We went home for a quick rest and then got all suited up for Boo at the Zoo with friends from church! Are you tired yet? It was crazy, busy and fun! As we got in the car to go to the zoo..Collier stated 'I am doing all my favorite things!' whew!
Two side-notes:
*Kenley's boots are really Collier's when he was two. Since she has discovered them she wants to wear them every day. I was going to buy her some for this fall, but don't think I need to. She even wore them to church on Sunday. It was not my intention to let Tinkerbell wear brown cowboy boots but she insisted and I didn't really mind since it was the zoo. I am very hopeful that she will comply and wear her sweet ballerina slippers on Halloween night..stay tuned!
**Speaking of Tinkerbell. Her costume is slightly incomplete but should be done by Halloween night.,.to make her look a little more Tinkerbell'ish rather than just a random fairy! No promises but maybe!